Dwarfhome NPC
Gertrude Hammerfell
Gertrude has served the church of Dumothain for a number of years. While creating a Dwarfhome Stone during her quest to priesthood, she was stricken by a magical trap that left her skin and hair a bluish hue. On this quest, she was distracted by a small mouse that she says saved her from the cockatrice’s gaze. The mouse that she keeps with her now is the third generation of the original creature.
Gertrude is steadfast, loyal, and honorable in all her interactions with those she meets. She is firm, but fair, and works diligently to serve the mountain, Dumothain, and the people of Dwarfhome.
Many have come to know her as “The Blue Angel of the Mountain”. Being too humble for the title, she doesn’t use it herself.